Benefice Newsletter – Week Commencing Sunday 12th November

Dear Congregation and Friends of St Mary Longcot,

Please find attached the Benefice Newsletter for the week commencing Sunday 12th November and the associated readings. 

Benefice Consultation Survey

  1. The Revd Norma Fergusson is retiring in May 2024, and the Benefice is looking towards the future and her successor.  To that end an informal consultation is being organised by the Diocese.  It will start with a meeting in Shrivenham Memorial Hall on Sunday afternoon 19th November. Everyone is welcome, whether a churchgoer or not.  Come and share your thoughts and observations on what we currently do well, what is less successful, and what you would like to see happening in the future.
  1. Tea and cake will be served from 3:30pm, with the start of the meeting at 4pm.
  1. The meeting will end by 6pm at the latest but, for those of you (like me) who are attending the concert in St Mary, please feel free to attend for as long as you are able.
  1. We would love to see you there, but if you are unable to come along, you can still take part in the consultation process via our online survey which is available at
    A copy of the survey is attached if you would prefer to complete it on paper.  You can then send it directly to our administrator Lucy Laird (her address is at the bottom of the survey sheet) or pass it to me (in an envelope please) for onward delivery.

Longcot Remembrance Service – Sunday 12th November.  This year’s Remembrance Service in Longcot will begin at 10.50am with an Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial in the Churchyard and the service will then be completed inside the church.  The Revd Norma Fergusson will lead the worship

Licensing Service of the Revd Patrick Mabhunu.  The Revd Patrick Mabhunu’s licensing service was held at Ashbury last Monday.  It was a joyous affair with (literally) standing room only.  (See the Newsletter for photographs.)  We all extend a very warm welcome to Patrick and his family and look forward to having him officiate in St Mary Longcot in the near future.

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